Records of Catalogue Department: decisions, memoranda, and subject headings, 1896-1964 (inclusive).


Records of Catalogue Department: decisions, memoranda, and subject headings, 1896-1964 (inclusive).

Records are in fourteen volumes. Includes three alphabetically arranged volumes of Rules and Regulations and six supplementary volumes, all containing classification, library hours, holidays, vacations, absences, staff changes, library manners, etc. Also includes an index to the three alphabetical volumes and supplements 1-3; the count of the library for 1941 and 1949 (two volumes); annotated Index to the Subject Catalogue, 1886-91, and annotated List of Subject Headings Used in the Public Catalogue, 1964. Overall dates for these records are 1896-1900, 1910-1952, and 1964.

2.5 cubic feet in 6 containers


SNAC Resource ID: 8184509

Harvard University Archives.

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